IRAP Condemns Biden’s Plan for Tougher Asylum Rules, Calling it a Troubling Precedent

Proposed Asylum Restrictions: An Alarming Development

What has the Biden administration proposed?

  • The Biden administration has proposed a new rule that would restrict access to the asylum system.

Why is IRAP concerned?

According to Sunil Varghese, Policy Director for IRAP, the proposed rule denies vulnerable people seeking protection a lawful chance to present their asylum claims.

  • Asylum screening interviews have no right to counsel and limited ability to present evidence, making it challenging for applicants.
  • The impact could lead to refugees being sent back to persecution and danger.

What is IRAP’s stance on this matter?

IRAP opposes the administration’s attempts to restrict asylum access, citing discrimination and xenophobia as potential motivations.

The organization advocates for a reform of the U.S. immigration system to provide a safe haven for refugees.

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