Breaking: IRAP Condemns Biden’s New Asylum Restrictions as ‘Dangerous Precedent’

May 9, 2024

Today, the Biden administration proposed a new rule that would further restrict access to the asylum system.

Statement from IRAP Policy Director

Sunil Varghese, Policy Director for the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), expressed opposition to the administration’s attempts to deny vulnerable people seeking protection their lawful chance to present their asylum claims.

Asylum screening interviews have no right to counsel and limited ability to present evidence. Evaluating mandatory bars requires detailed evidence and complex analysis. Discretion and expediency in the name of security have been used as a pretext for discrimination and xenophobia. The impact of this proposed rule could send refugees back to persecution and danger, rather than reforming the U.S. immigration system.

The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) is a global legal aid and advocacy organization striving to empower refugees and all individuals seeking safety to claim their right to freedom of movement and a path to lasting refuge.

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