Empowering Displaced Communities: Over 1,300 Legal IDs Issued to Those in Need

IOM Supports Government of Cameroon in Providing Basic Services to Migrants

What happened in Bertoua on May 6, 2024?

  • The International Organization for Migration (IOM) collaborated with the Government of Cameroon.
  • Efforts were made to enhance mobility and access to basic social services for migrants.
  • A ceremony took place in Bertoua, in the East region, on April 24.

Who benefited from the initiative?

  • Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) affected by conflicts in the North-West and South-West regions.
  • Vulnerable populations in host Communes within the Centre, East, and Littoral regions.

This collaborative effort aimed to provide civil status documents to those in need, ensuring access to essential services for all.

Source: www.iom.int

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