ICRC President Urges Action at Vienna Conference on Autonomous Weapon Systems 2024

What are the concerns about the use of autonomous weapons in conflicts?

  • Significant concerns raised about the utilization of autonomous weapons in current conflicts.
  • Allegations cannot be ignored regarding the deployment of autonomous weapons.
  • Serious implications for the future of warfare and international relations.

Why is the discussion around autonomous weapons important?

  • Huge debate surrounding the ethics and consequences of autonomous weapons.
  • Implications for security and the potential for unforeseen consequences.
  • Ethical considerations as technology continues to advance rapidly.

What is the impact of using autonomous weapons in conflicts?

  • Potential for a shift in the nature of warfare and international norms.
  • Risks associated with autonomous weapons systems and the need for strict regulations.
  • Calls for greater transparency and accountability in the development and use of such technologies.


Concerns are mounting over the alleged use of autonomous weapons in conflicts, sparking debates about the ethical implications and potential consequences for security and international relations. The impact of deploying these weapons could lead to a fundamental shift in warfare dynamics, highlighting the need for regulations and accountability in their development and utilization.

Source: www.icrc.org

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