Refugee Council calls to end use of X-rays for age assessments!

Exploring the UK Government’s Hostile Immigration Policy

What Recent Developments Are Impacting Children in the UK?

Recent court case reveals harmful age assessment methods used on child refugees.

Why Proper Age Assessments Are Crucial?

  • Proper assessments safeguard children and prevent serious risks.
  • Adult asylum settings pose grave risks to unaccompanied minors.

What Are the Concerns About Current Assessment Methods?

Border Forces visual assessments can lead to inaccurate placement of children.

How Will New Measures Impact Child Immigrants?

Scientific age assessment methods may expose children to unnecessary and harmful procedures.

What Ethical Concerns Have Been Raised?

  • Medical procedures on children for immigration purposes questioned by experts.
  • Automatic age assumption if refusal of scientific methods without consent.

Why Are Scientific Assessments Not Recommended?

No precise method exists to determine exact age of individuals.

What Negative Impacts Have Been Observed?

Incorrectly assessing children as adults causes severe consequences and trauma.

What Should Legislators Prioritize?

Protecting children from harmful age assessments and ensuring high child protection standards.

Prof. Andrew Rowland and Enver Solomon advocate against harmful age assessment methods.


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