IOM and CRAF join forces to improve data-based responses to displacement

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d) Join Forces

What’s the Latest Collaboration in Humanitarian Efforts?

  • IOM and CRAF’d Partner to Enhance Understanding of Internal Displacement
  • New Global Dataset to Provide Sub-National Mobility Data
  • Data-Driven Action to Save Lives and Deliver Solutions

Why is This Partnership Groundbreaking?

The collaboration between IOM and CRAF’d aims to revolutionize humanitarian efforts by providing valuable insights into internal displacement and enabling proactive measures to address crises.

Key Takeaways from the News

  • IOM and CRAF’d to work together to enhance understanding of internal displacement
  • New global dataset to offer sub-national mobility data for better decision-making
  • Data-driven action to be taken to save lives and deliver solutions


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