From Refugee to Entrepreneur: Inspiring Story of Turning Plastic Waste into Profit

Raphael Basemi, a Congolese refugee in Kenya’s Kakuma camp, has turned plastic waste into a profitable business. How did he achieve this?

  • Arrived in the camp in 2009 with only a bag of clothes and his education certificates
  • Now runs the largest community-led recycling enterprise in the camp, providing jobs for refugees and locals
  • Founded FRADI in 2013 to promote environmental protection and livelihoods

How did his recycling project begin, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Returned to the camp when the pandemic hit and initiated the project as a pilot
  • Researched waste management policies affecting refugees

How did the community support his recycling project?

  • Neighbours embraced the idea, with over 2,000 volunteers applying to help
  • Received support from local leaders, county government, and the Department of Refugee Service in Kenya

What has been accomplished through Raphael’s recycling efforts?

  • Over 500 jobs created for refugees and the local community
  • Expansion into solid waste management and production of recycled plastic items
  • Environmental impacts reduced by UNHCR initiatives like using 100% recycled plastic for relief items

What are Raphael’s future goals as a refugee entrepreneur?

  • Optimistic about creating a circular economy in Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement
  • Motivated by the community coming together for a greater cause

In conclusion, Raphael’s journey from a refugee to a successful plastic waste entrepreneur showcases the power of innovation and community collaboration in creating sustainable solutions for environmental challenges.


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