Breaking News: Education Above All Foundation & UNHCR join forces to educate refugee children out of school

UNHCR and Education Above All Foundation Join Forces to Educate Out-of-School Refugee Children

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Education Above All (EAA) Foundation have recently signed a new five-year partnership agreement to tackle the global issue of out-of-school children, including refugees, internally displaced individuals, and host community children.

What Does the New Agreement Focus On?

  • Enrolling more than 1.6 million out-of-school children globally since 2012
  • Supporting, promoting, and safeguarding the right to education, especially in conflict-affected areas
  • Expanding access to quality education for vulnerable children worldwide

How Does This Partnership Align with Sustainable Development Goal 4?

The initiative closely aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4, advocating for inclusive and quality education for all by 2030.

What Are the Key Messages from the Leaders?

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, emphasized the critical importance of education for the 7 million refugee children currently out of school. Meanwhile, EAA Foundation CEO, Fahad Al Sulaiti, stressed the power of strong partnerships in creating a world with equal educational opportunities for all.

What Impact Has the Partnership Achieved?

  • Policy change in several countries
  • Construction of new schools and classrooms
  • Employment opportunities and teacher training
  • Financial/material support to children and families

What are the Future Goals?

EAA and UNHCR aim to enhance policy improvements in education systems, advocate for refugee education qualifications, and continue supporting refugee communities worldwide.

For more information about the Education Above All (EAA) Foundation, visit their website.

For detailed information on the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), check out their official website.


The strategic partnership between UNHCR and EAA Foundation aims to provide education to out-of-school refugee children globally, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 4 and focusing on policy changes, infrastructure development, and community support.


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