Introducing Lucía Chávez: Asylum Access Mexico’s New Executive Director!

Introducing Lucía Chávez: New Executive Director of Asylum Access Mexico!

Who is Lucía Chávez?

Meet Lucía Chávez, the new Executive Director at Asylum Access Mexico. A feminist human rights advocate with a strategic vision and exceptional background in human rights and international law.

What are her Achievements?

  • Provided legal assistance to victims of human rights violations.
  • Contributed to discussions on combating impunity and transitional justice.
  • Activism against Mexico’s militarization and democratic deterioration.
  • Key role in #SeguridadSinGuerra collective advocating against militarization.
  • Leadership at the Mexican Commission for Defense and Promotion of Human Rights.

Why Lucía Chávez?

With her experience in human rights and team management, Lucía is set to lead Asylum Access Mexico to new heights.

Join the Cause!

Let’s welcome Lucía Chávez and work together to uphold the rights of refugees in Mexico!

¡Welcome to Lucía Chávez, the new Executive Director of Asylum Access México (AAMX)!


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