Breaking News! Explore the Latest Humanitarian Updates in Kenya, Djibouti, and Tanzania 2023

The ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation’s Efforts to Promote International Humanitarian Law

What initiatives did the ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation undertake in 2023?

  • Working extensively to promote knowledge and respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
  • Cultivating acceptance for humanitarian norms and principles
  • Targeting religious leaders, academic circles, and others

How did the ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation contribute to promoting IHL?

In 2023, the ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation dedicated significant efforts to enhancing awareness and acceptance of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The delegation’s initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge and fostering respect for IHL among various sectors of society.

Which groups were the main targets of these efforts?

The ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation specifically focused its efforts on religious leaders, academic circles, and other influential figures to ensure that humanitarian norms and principles were widely accepted and respected in the region.

What was the overall goal of these initiatives?

  • Promoting knowledge and respect for International Humanitarian Law
  • Cultivating acceptance for humanitarian norms and principles
  • Targeting influential groups like religious leaders and academics

In conclusion, the ICRC Nairobi Regional Delegation’s efforts in 2023 played a crucial role in promoting International Humanitarian Law and fostering acceptance for humanitarian principles among key stakeholders in the region.


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